Enterprise-grade Security

Encrypted data
Each Trakti page is protected by HTTPS and uses 256-bit SSL encryption. The use of cryptography for both storage and transmission of sensitive data is verified by our team.

Secure payments
The transaction is secure and is hosted by Stripe servers. Stripe is certified as a service provider that complies with the PCI standard, level 1. In order to increase security levels, we do not intercept or store customer credit card data that will be processed directly by Stripe.

Secure hosting and data storage
All your data are securely stored on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform in their secure data centers. AWS provides a level of security, reliability and redundancy at the banking level. In AWS, data is stored in a redundant storage system in multiple physical locations in Europe. AWS is fully compliant with ISO27001, ISO9001 and CSA.

Access control
Trakti, beyond the effective management of negotiations and contracts, let you to send private messages and files to each individual participant. The files inherit the level of security and privacy given to the negotiation and all the information exchanged will be accessible only by authorized persons in a secure way.

History and audit trail
Trakti allows to record every single activity in secure audit trails of the negotiations in fully compliant way. Therefore, in the history of the negotiation, you will be able to view all the authorizations, offers, counteroffers, track-changes, assessments and authorizations to sign a deal. You can easily and immediately reconstruct the relational and authorization history of the negotiation and produce with a click compliance reports.

Trakti is the only negotiation and contract lifecycle management platform integrated in the blockchain. By creating an hash (sha256) of the document we make sure no one can change it and you can verify all the time the document’s cryptographic imprint (SHA256 hash) on Ethereum’s blockchain. The stamping is fully decentralized (as is the blockchain itself), thus no third party centralized internet service (including stamped) is required for the user to prove the certification of the document in the future. Anyone will be able to prove the document originality by referring to the pertinent posting of the document’s imprint (hash) on the publicly available bitcoin ledger (blockchain).