
Contract Lifecycle Management adoption: instructions for use

on June 14, 2021

Contract Lifecycle Management is not just about technology, even though it is fundamental to choose the best tool to solve your company’s need. On the contrary, CLM adoption is a collective process, in which the procurement organization, the IT department, and the legal team work together, sharing knowledge seamlessly.

The challenge is to identify the tool that better meets your company’s needs. Let’s see how to find it!

Reading time: 3 minutes. Photo by Severin Höin on Unsplash

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Smart Legal Contracts for Managing Supply Chain Ecosystems Efficiently

on June 11, 2021

More and more enterprises are turning to smart legal contracts for managing supply chain ecosystems efficiently. Smart legal contracts can provide secure, accessible digital versions to all parties in a single transaction. In addition, they can also manage the workflow of approvals and automatically transfer upon all signatures being collected.

Reading time: 4 minutes. Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

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How we can use blockchain and smart contracts for supply chain automation to avoid future disruption

on June 8, 2021

The relationship between blockchain and supply chains has developed in recent years. Thanks to concrete examples and successful pilots, blockchain and smart contracts for supply chain automation are now gaining momentum.

In less than a decade we’ve started to see real-world applications and how some industries are already reaping the benefits. Distributed ledger and blockchain technology clearly have many far-reaching implications for global trade and supply chains.

Reading time: 3 minutes. Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

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What talents want: attracting talents with fast contract onboarding

on May 31, 2021

Do you have a talent-attraction strategy yet? Are you ready for future jobs that haven’t been invented yet? To attract talent, you have to be an  employer brand, namely the much sought-after smart company that every smart person wants to join. In other words, you have to be the digital leader they are looking for! Therefore, you need to start by attracting talents with fast contract onboarding.    

But how to be a digital leader? Let’s find out together. 

Reading time: 3 minutes. Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash.

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