
All posts tagged Back-office

Trakti e InfoCert – Tinexta Group: la Partnership tutta italiana per la gestione, firma e automazione dei contratti

on February 8, 2024

Immagina un mondo in cui la gestione digitale dei contratti diventa un processo fluido, sicuro ed efficiente per aziende di tutte le dimensioni. Questo sogno sta diventando realtà grazie alla partnership tra Trakti e il leader europeo dei servizi di digital trust InfoCert – Tinexta Group.
Scegliere tra automazione dei contratti e l’utilizzo della firma qualificata e SPID adesso non è più un compromesso necessario!

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Automating business operations: why is so crucial

on November 17, 2022

We are rapidly approaching a new historical period where activities traditionally performed manually, are more and more done automatically by machines. 

The adoption of automated applications and systems aims to streamline operations by removing the need for manual and repetitive tasks to more efficiently manage key operations processes. 

According to SalesForce: “47% of Businesses see the largest ROI from Automation in their operation department”.

Reading time: 3 min

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How to set up and streamline an effective offer evaluation

on July 11, 2022

Do you know how well your sales representatives are reviewing every contract prior to signing it? Does their performance meet your expectations for a quality customer experience? Are they following all the correct processes, remaining compliant, and getting the outcomes you want? The only way to answer all these questions is by learning how to set up and streamline an effective offer evaluation.

Traditionally, procurement has been viewed as a function of the back office, but this area is now the target for intelligent automation. In fact, many organizations are expanding procurement into playing the role of a strategic partner for driving enhanced cost savings, efficiency, market resiliency, and business objectives. In addition, intelligent automation can empower this particular transformation.

Unquestionably, procurement should be focused on improving business process speed so that employees will have more time on their hands to focus on higher-value projects. As such, this is where much of intelligent automation’s value can be found – by dramatically reducing the number of error-ridden repetitive tasks and processes. 

Reading Time: 3 minutes

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Monitoring contract execution and why it is important

on April 28, 2022

The contract execution process seems fairly straight-forward. As it is the last stage of the contract management process, many businesses fall into the pitfall of not actively monitoring contract execution. But there is plenty that could go wrong.

Staying on top of implementing the terms of a contract is usually far more important for its success. For all companies, it is crucial to learn how to monitor the execution of your contracts, and in this article, we want to explain to you why it is important.

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