
NFT and copyright: why you need a Smart legal contract to cover all the elements

on May 5, 2023

NFTs are business keys of the future “metaverse”. The Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) indicate a digital certificate of authenticity to uniquely identify a digital product created on the internet. 
Each NFT contains a unique serial number, known as a hash. This cryptographic key is generated from a specific digital file and makes NFTs traceable and incapable of duplication.   

However, while technological progress advances, a review of the protection system is required to follow digital development and to guarantee legal protection, even to NFTs.

Reading time: 5 minutes

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How Smart Contracts can affect Human Resources functions

on April 6, 2023

An onboarding process is articulated and requires planned coordination between the new employee and the diverse departments of a company. This process should be focused instead to facilitate the integration for the new hires and allow them to learn more about the organisation, the requirements of the new role, the new team, the values​​, and the philosophy of a company. Setting up an integrated and agile plan for new employees can improve productivity, retain the best professionals in the company, and reduce Human Resources costs.

Reading time: 3 minutes.

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How to align procurement with business requirements

on April 4, 2023

Business requirements should inform every investment in new software and technological infrastructure. You don’t launch a new project, purchase a new piece of software, or develop a new process unless it’s in response to a core business need.

But understanding exactly what that need it can be a challenge in itself. It starts with learning how to align procurement with business requirements.

Taking the time to carefully identify, analyse, and document your core business requirements can lead to a smoother procurement process with an outcome that delivers measurable results.

Reading time: 4 minutes

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Linking contracts to contract balanced scorecards

on March 16, 2023

Generally, contracts regulate long-term relationships, governing complex transactions that demand collaboration and flexibility. Issues can arise due to their incompleteness or because parties do not have a comprehensive view of their contracts.  The former point addresses the concept of relational contract; the latter to the need of setting the right KPIs. Parties usually measure and monitor each other’s performance (two-way) and automate their reporting using a balanced scorecards, linking contracts to contract balance scorecard. 

Reading time: 3 minutes.

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Lawyer and Smart legal contracts: legitimate fears and concrete opportunities

on March 6, 2023

Lawyer and Smart legal contracts: legitimate fears and concrete opportunities? How many times years ago have I wondered? How many times before deciding to take this path, I wondered if the blockchain, smart contracts and everything revolved around it constituted a new opportunity, the solution I was looking for, or if instead they would simply replace me, put me on the corner.

I glimpsed, but did not fully understand.

Reading time: 3 minutes.

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The Smart lawyers Guide to Galaxy

on March 2, 2023

Looking into the future we’re on the road to a new world where everything is linked and potentially possible. 
People get connected with other people physically, through avatars, online tools, and any element that belongs to this new world. Rather than one device handling every calculation, a network of devices can now do this instead, benefitting of the cooperation of an entire network. 
Every data is accessible, every service is sensing, automated, connected and shared…
We are on a new planet where industries totally shifted from inflexible, monolithic methods to more modular and microservices approaches. 

But let’s imagine moving forward in time for a sec. 

Reading time: 4 min

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