Trakti Smart "Legal" Contracts Blog

trusted sales network

Developing a trusted sales network via smart legal contract

on June 7, 2022

Sales success requires a great deal of planning. From identifying and nurturing leads to renewing and retaining existing customers. While CRM platforms have managed to enhance sales efficiency and provide visibility, there’s still room for improvement.

Developing a trusted sales network via automation is the next step in sales optimisation. We already know how essential business documents are for the multitude of tasks that distract reps from selling. Documents connect every area of a business and enable information sharing across departments. They’re also the source of almost all sales-related work and day-to-day tasks: 50% of knowledge workers’ time is spent creating and preparing documents, and 92% of professionals still collaborate on and review documents by email.

Developing sales via smart legal contracts is the next step in sales

Looking at the quote-to-cash process reveals many areas that can benefit from smart contract integration. We often see the end-to-end functions related to sales networks as costly and cumbersome to manage. From data entry, reports, and cross-referencing information – smart legal contracts can build a safer sales network. They track and trace the entire journey of the product to ensure that it is delivered in a promised condition. They also work towards enforcing contract conditions with minimal to zero human input.

You can track the development of agreements, register the data, and display earlier status reports. The implementation of smart contracts is done to drive the tracking methods on the sales network.

Automated agreements and reporting can even help reduce counteraction and eradicate errors relating to manual activities. You can leverage blockchain compliance to improve corporate governance with real-time data. By managing, automating, and optimizing key activities across the sales cycle, your organization is essentially developing a trusted sales network via smart legal contracts.  

Using Trakti, organizations can instantly create customer-friendly, company-approved documents with the click of a button. Smart legal contracts program the parameters of the agreement with all information flowing into the blockchain where it cannot be altered, tampered with, or replicated.

On the customer end, the format remains user-friendly and easy to work with, such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel, or PDF, ensuring that every document is on brand and accurate. Such a straightforward path to automation is a sure way to support your company in optimizing the sales network.

To know more about smart contracts and find out more about how they can improve your sales network contact us or visit our website!

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