
How to align and automatically update CRM data with contract data

on May 18, 2021

When you think about how to align and automatically update CRM data with contract data, it’s important to consider the benefits of streamlining the entire contract process. Superior contract management solutions take advantage of customer relationship management (CRM) technology to deliver a client-focused service for your business.

Reading time: 3 minutes. Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

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Supply chain resilience in the face of a global pandemic

on May 12, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic effect on global trade, disrupting industries, economies, and supply chains. Prolonged lockdown periods caused a supply and demand shock. Governments, businesses, and individual consumers struggled to procure basic products and materials. Most of them were forced to confront the fragility of the modern supply chain to achieve better supply chain resilience.

Reading time: 3 minutes. Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

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The evolution of property in contracting: how contract and property are changing in the decentralised digital world

on April 14, 2021

Smart Legal Contracts are capable, in principle, of forming binding contracts which will be upheld under English law. This may mark the beginning of a new era! The evolution of property in contracting is becoming real! The adoption of Smart Legal Contracts and the scope of legal principles in contract under English law is evolving: a summary of the Law Commission report on Smart Contracts.

Reading time: 4 minuti, Photo by Trakti

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