Contract lifecycle management

All posts tagged Contract lifecycle management

Happier customers, simplified contract onboarding

on December 23, 2020

Many companies drastically underestimate the importance of contract onboarding, In fact, 22% of companies have no formal onboarding program at all, while 49% only have a partially successful process. But do you know just how detrimental unsuccessful onboarding can be? Employees become less productive, stressed, and feel disconnected from the rest of the team, while customers end up flocking to your competitors.

One way that simplified contract onboarding helps you is by increasing customer engagement. The process benefits new customers, existing ones, and company leaders alike.

Reading time: 3 minutes, Photo by Kelli McClintock on Unsplash

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Tales From The Future: an immersive view on the contracts of the future

on December 4, 2020

‘Sign here, here and here’. Signing a contract makes me a bit tense, those are not the contracts of the future I would like to have or sign.

Contracts nowadays don’t serve people as they should. They are unnecessarily hard to write and read. The endless legalese makes them a daunting matter. Their binding power is not bulletproof.

There are 19.972 words in the iTunes terms and conditions. Shakespeare’s Macbeth has 18.100 words. When you click “I agree”, you’re saying to iTunes that you have read something longer than Macbeth.’ In short, today’s contracts do not enable optimal and risk-free decisions.

At Trakti we are crafting contracts of the future to serve people and businesses not the other way around.

Reading time: 4 minutes, Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

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To trust or not to trust? Building with Trakti a trustworthy business ecosystem

on November 16, 2020

If you work at a large enterprise, you know business ecosystems can get complex. You also know how much is important to work in a trustworthy business ecosystem.

With liability scattered among multiple parties, the contracts reflecting all those transactions and agreements also grow in complexity. Companies need a trustworthy business ecosystem where they can operate in confidence and manage contracts efficiently. 

Smart Contracts operating on the Blockchain provide just that, but how to start using them?

Reading time: 3 minutes, Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

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Compliant contracts: how to hit the target

on November 4, 2020

Contracts are assets to manage business risk. They are essential for the containment and control of costs, for the prevention of damage and for the actions of counterparties. Contracting and compliance are intertwined facets and require methodical oversight. An effective contract management plan not only enforces compliance and mitigates risk, but also ensures better relationships between contractual parties.

Reading time: 3 minutes , Photo by Alexandre Lion on Unsplash

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