Smart contracts

All posts tagged Smart contracts

How Smart contract tokenization rewards align your employees to your company

on September 7, 2021

Smart contracts have been designed to automate the execution of an agreement and allow parties to agree with the outcome of an event without the need for a central authority.

With the help of smart contract tokenization rewards, companies can effectively keep their workers in the loop and timely appreciate them for their efforts.

More and more companies are turning to smart contract automation, with the objective to overcome operational challenges and enhance employee productivity. 

Reading time: 4 minutes. Photo by Daniel J. Schwarz on Unsplash.

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How smart legal contracts can improve sales

on August 24, 2021

Ask anyone in the business world about their pain points and you’ll likely hear: sales and signatory management. Updating, monitoring, and managing lists is currently a time-consuming, inefficient, and error-prone activity for suppliers and buyers alike. At the same time, the painstaking process of proper signatory management is essential for establishing and maintaining business relationships, not to mention for ensuring compliance.

Reading time: 4 minutes.

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Improving your candidate selection, onboarding, and signature process via contract automation

on August 10, 2021

More and more companies are looking into ways to automate contracts and the benefits of doing so. Today, we explore the most common use cases for contract automation in HR and how you can improve your candidate selection and onboarding process via contract automation.  

Contract automation via smart contracts helps companies manage proactively the large quantities of data their HR departments deal with on a daily basis.

Reading time: 5 minutes. Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash.

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Understanding Smart legal contracts

on July 20, 2021

Understanding smart legal contracts – a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of any agreement between participants on the blockchain. 

Reading time: 4 minutes.

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Can automation solve the hold-up problem in contracts?

on July 20, 2021

A hold-up problem in contracts is the situation where after one party has made some relationship-specific investment, the counterparty refuses to fulfil the original terms of the contract asking for better conditions. 

Reading time: 4 minutes. Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash.

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Decentralization over blockchain infrastructures: the property-contract interface

on July 13, 2021

Decentralization over blockchain infrastructures is a fundamental aspect in the adoption of the technology and is the main reason why it has acquired increasing importance in the last decade. The technology emerged to implement peer to peer transactions of digital money that could displace commercial banks’ gatekeeping of digital transactions of bank deposits and central banks’ monopoly over the value (and therefore supply) of fiat money. And it has gone a long way since then.

Reading time: 10 minutes. Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash.

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Understanding flexibility in smart contracts vs traditional contracts

on July 8, 2021

Before digging into the lack of flexibility in smart contracts let’s see what flexibility actually is.

Traditional semantic contracts are flexible. Such flexibility operates during the negotiation phase as well as at breach.  

Flexibility allows parties to use ambiguous terms, generally defined terms, commercial customs in their agreements.  

Furthermore, flexibility enables parties to shape and adapt their business relationship through modifications, amendments, sometimes arbitrarily. 

Reading time: 3 minutes. Photo by Ken Suarez on Unsplash.

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