Smart legal contracts

All posts tagged Smart legal contracts

The evolution of property in contracting: how contract and property are changing in the decentralised digital world

on April 14, 2021

Smart Legal Contracts are capable, in principle, of forming binding contracts which will be upheld under English law. This may mark the beginning of a new era! The evolution of property in contracting is becoming real! The adoption of Smart Legal Contracts and the scope of legal principles in contract under English law is evolving: a summary of the Law Commission report on Smart Contracts.

Reading time: 4 minuti, Photo by Trakti

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Analising Current Regulatory Framework For Smart Contracts

on April 12, 2021

Globalization – and now the COVID-19 pandemic – created new barriers to doing business but also presented new opportunities for the increased adoption of blockchain technology. And more specifically – smart contracts.

Examining the current Regulatory Framework For Smart Contracts and opening a debate for potential improvement in the existing regulatory framework for smart contracts is the objective of this article.

Reading time: 5 minutes, Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

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Smart Contracts and Tokens for supply chain automation

on March 24, 2021

Smart contracts and tokens for supply chain automation are of paramount importance.

Tokens are digital entities that may be used as a digital representation of physical assets (ingredients, subproducts, etc.) and information. Furthermore, with tokenization, suppliers reap the ultimate benefits of blockchain assets. Tokenization forbids duplication, making it non-fraudulent and ensuring accurate tracking and proof of ownership in a transaction. And not just these.

Reading time: 4 minutes,Photo by Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash

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How Smart Contracts and Tokens enable customer loyalty in the physical world

on March 23, 2021

How can smart contracts and tokens support your fidelization strategy? How can you enable customer loyalty in the physical world? How your company benefits from utilizing them?
Tokens can provide valuable data to help retailers better understand their customers, becoming a key to a more effective ad-targeting, and, ultimately, to a growth in sales.

Reading time: 4 minutes, Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash

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1 solution, 5 benefits: track trace and automate your contracts with Trakti

on February 2, 2021

Why is technology important when talking about contracts? Well, because you want your business to be up-to-date, you want to have both enthusiastic clients and employees and most of all you want a growing quality company. To achieve these goals, you need to make procurement smarter, faster and more transparent. In other words, you need a Smart Contract Lifecycle Management (SCLM) solution to track trace and automate your contracts.

There is more than a reason you should switch to a smart legal contract management solution, and we are going to analyse all of them in this article!

Tempo di lettura: Photo by aaron boris on Unsplash

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What are the benefits of Smart Legal Contracts for companies?

on December 2, 2020

We have reached the next stage in the expression of commercial arrangements. Blockchains are increasingly being used to foster and execute legal agreements, supporting a new generation of electronic Smart Legal Contracts. Blockchain networks and computer programs called “smart contracts” enable parties to memorialise all or parts of legal agreements. By using this technology, contracting parties gain the ability to create arrangements that are hard to modify, dynamic, and potentially less ambiguous than traditional legal contracts. 

Reading time: 3 minutes, Photo by Austin Distel,Tingey Injury Law Firm, Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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