Trakti Smart "Legal" Contracts Blog

What is contract automation and why you need it

on June 24, 2022

In the business world, there is always scope for improvement. Many companies worldwide are adopting process automation as a key strategy to stay ahead in the run. This is especially true when it comes to contracts.

But what is contract automation and why you need it?

Every business has some sort of contract management process; a series of steps that encompass the management of an organisation’s contracts from initiation through to execution, storage, and renewal or expiry. At one end of the spectrum this process is completely ad hoc, whereas more sophisticated organisations spend time understanding how fit-for-purpose contract management software can be leveraged to drive competitive advantage.

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How Smart Legal Contracts can help General Council to innovate in corporate environments

on June 20, 2022

As procedures become more digitised, how to build secure, and digital business agreements it’s become nowadays a widely discussed topic. Smart contracts are the ideal platform for business innovation and to enable sustainable business models. They are legally binding contracts, in which some or all of the obligations are recorded in and/or performed automatically by a computer program.  

Differently from traditional contracts, they are self-executing and self-enforcing and often can be deployed on distributed ledger technology, such as blockchain where data is stored on a public database, and cannot be changed. The transactions can be sent automatically without a third party to deal with the verification and enforcement of the contract.  

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Developing a trusted sales network via smart legal contract

on June 7, 2022

Sales success requires a great deal of planning. From identifying and nurturing leads to renewing and retaining existing customers. While CRM platforms have managed to enhance sales efficiency and provide visibility, there’s still room for improvement.

We already know how essential business documents are for the multitude of tasks that distract reps from selling. Documents connect every area of a business and enable information sharing across departments. They’re also the source of almost all sales-related work and day-to-day tasks: 50% of knowledge workers’ time is spent creating and preparing documents, and 92% of professionals still collaborate on and review documents by email.

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How to set successful incentives for sales with smart legal contracts

on May 26, 2022

When you manage a team of sales reps, your compensation structure is responsible for the success rate of your team. But sales targets aren’t everything and the relationship that your agents can nurture with clients is just as important for your brand.

The answer is not always simple – should you offer bonuses or commissions for high customer retention rates? Does a fixed salary or variable compensation make the most sense for your team?

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Managing uncertainty in contracts with a shared approach

on May 17, 2022

Most of our actions and decisions involve others, inside and outside any organisation. The best solutions come from working together and the pandemic caused many people to appreciate the extent of our interdependency. Establishing a win-win collaboration framework would increase communication and clarity within a network and with suppliers.

Developing a solution together, based on shared input and mutual respect, generates a collaborative environment that simplifies coordinating and reconciling multiple opinions. Different groups and functions typically reflect different interests, and rarely organisations speak with one voice.

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Schrems II: The right tools to respond

on May 5, 2022

As we all know, Schrems II decision has forced businesses to revisit the way they approach international data transfer.

The European Court of Justice declared the EU-US Privacy Shield – an international agreement between the EU and the US with requirements to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data exported to the US- invalid. According to the Court, US laws had several shortcomings that impede the protection of personal data and violates the GDPR. The judgment did uphold the use of Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs), however, it cast some doubt over this method of transferring personal data outside the EU. 

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Monitoring contract execution and why it is important

on April 28, 2022

The contract execution process seems fairly straight-forward. As it is the last stage of the contract management process, many businesses fall into the pitfall of not actively monitoring contract execution. But there is plenty that could go wrong.

Staying on top of implementing the terms of a contract is usually far more important for its success. For all companies, it is crucial to learn how to monitor the execution of your contracts, and in this article, we want to explain to you why it is important.

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