Contract Template

Long term supply agreement

on May 20, 2024

Contracts Template

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 2 parties      Supplier order        Renewal and termination        Hardship      

What is a Long term supply agreement?

A Long-Term Supply Agreement is a contract between a supplier and a buyer that establishes terms and conditions for the supply of goods or services over an extended period of time. Unlike short-term supply agreements, which typically cover shorter periods or specific transactions, long-term agreements provide for a continuous and predictable supply relationship between the parties.

A Long-Term Supply Agreement provides both parties with stability, predictability, and assurance of supply over an extended period, allowing for better planning, cost control, and risk management.


  • Maintain Flexibility: Build flexibility into the agreement to accommodate changes in circumstances, market conditions, or business needs.
  • Clarify Supply Quantity and Schedule: Clearly specify the quantities of goods or services to be supplied and the schedule for delivery or performance.
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Licence to Merchandise a Fictional Character

on May 20, 2024

Contracts Template

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 2 parties      Sale target        Renewal and termination        Royalties         Territory

What is an Licence to Merchandise a Fictional Character?

A license to merchandise a fictional character is a legal agreement that grants permission to a licensee (such as a manufacturer, retailer, or merchandiser) to use and exploit the rights associated with a specific fictional character for commercial purposes. This license allows the licensee to produce and sell merchandise featuring the character, such as toys, clothing, accessories, collectibles, and other consumer products.


  • Specify Territory and Distribution Channels: Define the geographic territory where the licensee is authorized to sell the licensed merchandise and identify approved distribution channels. Consider whether exclusivity or non-exclusivity is appropriate for the licensee’s distribution rights.
  • Clarify Rights and Restrictions: Clearly define the scope of the license, including the specific rights granted to the licensee and any limitations or restrictions on the use of the character. Be explicit about which products and product categories are covered by the license.
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Joint Venture agreement

on May 17, 2024

Contracts Template

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 2 parties or more parties      Scope/purpose      Management structure     Renewal and termination

What is an Joint Venture agreement?

A Joint Venture Agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions under which two or more parties agree to collaborate on a specific business project or venture. In a joint venture, each party contributes resources, such as capital, expertise, technology, or other assets, to achieve a common goal, often for a limited duration or purpose.

A Joint Venture Agreement is crucial for establishing a clear understanding among the parties involved and ensuring alignment towards the common goals of the venture. It helps allocate risks and responsibilities, protect the interests of the parties, and provide a framework for collaboration and decision-making. It’s important for all parties to carefully review and negotiate the terms of the agreement to ensure mutual understanding and agreement.


  • Establish Communication Channels: Establish effective communication channels and mechanisms for regular communication and updates between the parties. Open and transparent communication is essential for resolving issues promptly and ensuring that the venture stays on track.
  • Choose the Right Partner: Selecting the right partner is crucial for the success of a joint venture. Look for a partner with complementary skills, resources, and expertise that align with the objectives of the venture.
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Intellectual property sale agreement

on May 17, 2024

Contracts Template

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 2 parties      Milestones      Trak milestone     Reversion

What is an Intellectual property sale agreement?

An Intellectual Property (IP) Sale Agreement is a legal document that facilitates the sale or transfer of intellectual property rights from one party to another. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which the seller (the party transferring the intellectual property) agrees to sell and transfer ownership of the intellectual property to the buyer (the party acquiring the intellectual property rights).


  • Thoroughly Identify the Intellectual Property: Provide a clear and comprehensive description of the intellectual property being sold, including any relevant patents, trademarks, copyrights, or trade secrets. Ensure accuracy in identifying the specific rights being transferred.
  • Setting and tracking milestones in an Intellectual Property Sale Agreement can help ensure that the transfer process progresses smoothly and that both parties meet their obligations.
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Intellectual property rights transfer agreement

on May 17, 2024

Contracts Template

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 2 parties      Payment terms      Governing law and Jurisdiction     Warranties

What is an Intellectual property rights transfer agreement?

An Intellectual Property Rights Transfer Agreement is a legal document that facilitates the transfer of intellectual property rights from one party to another. It typically involves the transfer of ownership or exclusive rights to intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, or trade secrets, from the original owner (the transferor) to another party (the transferee).


  • Documentation and Record-Keeping: Maintain accurate records of the transfer process, including documentation of the agreement, payment receipts, and any other relevant correspondence. This helps provide evidence of the transfer and facilitates enforcement if necessary.
  • Identify and Describe the Intellectual Property: Clearly identify the intellectual property being transferred and provide a detailed description to avoid ambiguity. This includes patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, or any combination thereof.
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Founder Collaboration Agreement

on May 17, 2024

Contracts Template

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 Multiple parties      List of shareholders       Vesting schedule

What is a Founder Collaboration Agreement?

A Founder Collaboration Agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions under which the founders of a company agree to work together to develop and grow the business. It typically covers important aspects such as the roles and responsibilities of each founder, decision-making processes, ownership of intellectual property, equity distribution, dispute resolution mechanisms, and procedures for handling the departure of a founder. This agreement is crucial for establishing a clear understanding among the founders and ensuring alignment towards the common goals of the venture.


  • Legal Review: Consult with a qualified attorney experienced in startup law to ensure that the agreement complies with relevant laws and adequately protects the interests of all parties involved.
  • Regular Review and Update: Periodically review and update the Founder Collaboration Agreement as the business evolves and new challenges arise. This ensures that the agreement remains relevant and reflects the current needs and circumstances of the company.
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Film Music Commissioning Contract

on May 17, 2024

Contracts Template

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 2 parties      Scope of work       Delivery schedule     Termination notice    Payments terms

What is a Film music commissioning contract?

A Film Music Commissioning Contract is a legal agreement between a filmmaker or production company (the “Producer”) and a composer or music production company (the “Composer”) for the creation and use of original music compositions for a film or audiovisual project. This contract outlines the terms and conditions of the commissioning arrangement, including the rights, obligations, and compensation of both parties.


  • Include a Detailed Delivery Schedule: Establish a clear delivery schedule for the completion and delivery of the musical compositions.
  • Address Ownership and Copyright: Clearly address ownership and copyright of the musical compositions, specifying that the Composer retains copyright ownership but grants the Producer the necessary rights for use in the film or audiovisual project. Include provisions for registering copyrights and attributing credit to the Composer.
  • Protect Confidentiality and Proprietary Information: Include provisions to protect the confidentiality of any proprietary information shared between the parties during the course of the commissioning relationship, including drafts of the musical compositions and project-related discussions.
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