Contract Template

Distribution agreement

on May 17, 2024

Contracts Template

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 2 parties      Products       Prices list     Renewal and termination    Territory perimeter     Minimum purchase requirement

What is a Database license agreement?

A Distribution Agreement is a legal contract between a supplier or manufacturer of goods and a distributor who agrees to sell and distribute those goods to customers or end-users. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions governing the relationship between the parties, including rights, obligations, and responsibilities regarding the distribution of the products.


  • Review and Revise Regularly: Regularly review and revise the Distribution Agreement to ensure it remains up-to-date with changes in business needs, market conditions, and legal requirements. Consider seeking legal advice to review and validate the agreement periodically.
  • Protect Intellectual Property Rights: Address ownership and use of intellectual property rights associated with the products, including trademarks, patents, copyrights, and trade secrets. Specify any licensing or usage rights granted to the distributor.
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Database license agreement

on May 17, 2024

Contracts Template

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 2 parties      Renewal and termination      License grant    Fees and payment

What is a Database license agreement?

A Database License Agreement is a legal contract that governs the terms and conditions under which a database or database software is licensed for use by an individual or organization. This type of agreement typically outlines the rights and obligations of both the licensor (the entity that owns or controls the database) and the licensee (the individual or organization obtaining the license) regarding the use, distribution, and management of the database.


  • Clear and Precise Language: Use clear and precise language to define the rights, obligations, and restrictions of both parties. Avoid ambiguous terms or jargon that could lead to misunderstandings or disputes.
  • Warranties and Disclaimers: Clearly outline any warranties provided by the licensor regarding the performance, functionality, or accuracy of the database software, as well as any disclaimers of warranties, limitations of liability, or exclusions of consequential damages.
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Data retention policy

on May 17, 2024

Contracts Template

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 2 parties      ISO policy      Data retention schedule    Personal data

What is a Data retention policy?

A data retention policy is a set of guidelines and procedures that define how long an organization will retain different types of data, as well as the processes for securely disposing of or archiving that data once it’s no longer needed. These policies are crucial for ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, managing storage costs, and mitigating security risks associated with retaining unnecessary data.
A well-defined data retention policy helps organizations effectively manage their data assets, reduce legal and compliance risks, optimize storage resources, and safeguard sensitive information throughout its lifecycle.


  • Identify Stakeholders:Involve key stakeholders from legal, compliance, IT, security, and business departments in the development and review of the policy to ensure alignment with organizational goals and requirements.
  • Periodic Review and Update: Schedule regular reviews of the data retention policy to ensure it remains up-to-date with changes in regulations, technology, business practices, and organizational requirements. Update the policy accordingly and communicate changes to relevant stakeholders.
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Coworking service agreement

on May 17, 2024

Contracts Template

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 2 parties      T&C      Service    Renewal and termination     Recurring payment

What is a Coworking service agreement?

A coworking service agreement is a contract between a coworking space provider and an individual or company seeking to utilise the shared workspace and associated amenities and services. Coworking spaces offer flexible arrangements where individuals or businesses can rent desks, offices, or meeting rooms on a short-term basis, typically under a monthly membership or agreement.


  • Member Responsibilities: Clearly state the responsibilities of members, such as maintaining cleanliness, respecting others’ property, adhering to safety protocols, and following any community guidelines or codes of conduct.
  • Use of Facilities: Detail the permitted uses of the coworking space, including any restrictions on activities, noise levels, or guests. Specify any shared resources like meeting rooms, printers, or kitchen facilities and how they should be utilised.
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Advisor agreement

on May 15, 2024

Contracts Template

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 2 parties      Termination notice      Services      Confidential information     Intellectual property    Compensation

What is an advisor agreement?

An advisor agreement is a legal contract between a company (often a startup or early-stage business) and an individual or entity providing advisory services. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the advisory relationship, including the scope of the advisor’s responsibilities, compensation structure, confidentiality obligations, and other relevant provisions.

Advisor agreements are important documents for formalizing the relationship between a company and its advisors, clarifying expectations, and protecting the interests of both parties.


  • Define Clear Objectives: Clearly outline the goals and expectations for the advisory relationship. Define the specific areas where the advisor’s expertise and guidance will be valuable to the company.
  • Clarify Responsibilities: Clearly define the scope of the advisor’s responsibilities, including their role, duties, and expected level of involvement.
  • Document Changes in Writing: Any amendments or modifications to the content license agreement should be documented in writing and signed by both parties. Keep thorough records of all communications and agreements related to the license arrangement.
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Advanced subscription agreement

on May 10, 2024

Contract Templates

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 2 parties      Subscription Amount      Reverse vesting     Major investor rights

What is an advanced subscription agreement?

An advanced subscription agreement is a type of investment agreement used by startups or early-stage companies to raise capital from investors. Unlike traditional equity financing, where investors receive shares of the company’s stock immediately upon investment, an advanced subscription agreement allows investors to commit funds upfront in exchange for the right to receive shares at a later date, typically upon the occurrence of a specified trigger event, such as a future funding round or an exit event.

Advanced subscription agreements are often used in jurisdictions where traditional convertible debt instruments may not be suitable or permissible, offering flexibility for startups and investors while simplifying the fundraising process. However, they also involve certain risks and complexities, so it’s important for both parties to carefully review and negotiate the terms of the agreement with the guidance of legal and financial advisors.


  • Understand Your Needs: Before drafting the agreement, clearly understand your company’s financing needs and objectives. Determine how much capital you aim to raise, the valuation cap, and the discount rate you’re willing to offer to investors.
  • Be Transparent: Clearly disclose all terms and conditions to potential investors. Transparency builds trust and reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings or disputes later on.
  • Provide Context: Include a clear explanation of the purpose and structure of the advanced subscription agreement. Help investors understand how it differs from traditional equity financing and the potential benefits it offers.
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